By : Arnaldo Lutin
YoVille is the hugely popular Facebook game that allows players to emulate the ins and outs of real life, while using virtual currency and a slew of goofy actions and games.
For that reason, the game allows you to do just about anything you want, as long as you have the coins for it. Unlike many Facebook games which are very dull for the first few levels, until you gain some currency, there are a lot of things to keep you busy in YoVille from the start.
Here are three of the more fun options you will have.
1. The Sweets Factory
The Sweets Factory is where you’ll be working every day to make a solid profit. You need to spend as much time as possible here cleaning ovens, setting up new dishes and then pulling them out before they burn. You don’t need to buy ingredients or level up to access anything here. It’s all available from the start - so as soon as you login, go to the Sweets Factory and load up on all the ovens you can.
2. Visiting Your Friends
Your friends will start adding themselves to your account (or vice versa) as soon as you login for the first time. These friends are going to have a tremendous impact on how you play the game. So, be sure to visit their homes whenever possible. You can make up to 400 coins a day by completing different tasks for them or just looking at what they’ve put together. It’s free, it’s fun, and you can do it on the first day you login.
3. Exploring the Town
There are a lot of different things to do in YoVille - far more than in most Facebook game. Spend some time exploring the town and getting to know what Zynga has put together for you to enjoy. There are lots of places to shop, mini-games to try out and dozens of different fun little things you can do when you level up your character. Get to know it all now and you’ll never miss out on some of the fun things located in this area.
As you can see, the number of options you have at your disposal is relatively large considering how the game starts off. For those that can get started right away and get directly involved in the game play, YoVille is a game that will allow you to have all sorts of fun, even with limited funds and friends.
But, the more coins and then friends you gain, the more entertaining a game like this is ultimately going to be. So, make sure to spend a great deal of time investing yourself into the various parts of the game and seeing what you’ll be able to do in the future - you’ll be surprised how many options there are.
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